How to overcome depression by cultivating insight

How to overcome depression by cultivating insight

In order to learn how to overcome depression by cultivating insight, we have to grasp the value of insight. Insight is the vision to get to the source of our thoughts, feelings and mental phenomena. When someone is mentally distressed, the most important and most modifiabe reason is the person herself. However, merely targeting the phenomena is usually not enough. We have to try and influence the origin of thoughts and feelings. Cultivating insight does just that.

With insight practice, we study what comes before thoughts and feelings. Such a journey while not easy, is completely worth the investment. The space from which thoughts, emotions and sensations arise is rich and varied, and with cultivation, we access this space. Often, this means something as simple as sitting quietly and comfortably and studying the contents of our mind. If we can resist distractions and not give in to impulses and urges during this time, the process is facilitated,

When we try to find out how to overcome depression by cultivating insight, we also study what lies prior to our moods and mental states. If this is done, it becomes possible to change the cause of disturbed moods like sorrow and anxiety. The only thing that is probably needed is the patience to not want to remove the low mood while we engage in learning and insight practice. This not only familiarizes us with how we are, it generates the strength to be okay even when we feel sad and dejected. With any therapy for depression, time should be allowed to run its course. With time and practice, we learn to gift ourselves the space and the ways to recover and heal.

Cultivating insight not only helps with depression, it strengthens our ability to spring back from adversity as well as develop other qualities such as focus, determination and patience.

How to overcome depression by cultivating insight

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